Foxford School of Crypto and Conservation

Players will be able to enter Foxford, where they can increase their avatar’s knowledge and add to their educational title, examples could include student, teacher, entrepreneur, expert, philosopher and more. These titles are part of a player’s social profile.

Within Foxford, there are houses, also known as teams. Each player will be assigned their team which will also be part of their social profile. Within this building, players can choose to learn about endangered species or blockchain technology. As the game develops, more subjects and courses will be integrated into the school.

There will be a multiple-choice question feature, in which players can increase or decrease their avatar’s knowledge, by answering their questions, correctly or wrong. It would be an incentive for players to enter and learn, as this will help provide points to level up their avatars and upgrade their social profile. Also, answering questions correctly can help towards unlocking items for the player.

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