Our Tech Stack

We have built our games using the game engine, Unity. For our NFTs we chose Polygon (MATIC) because there are low gas fees compared to Ethereum, and it allows them to be traded on the most popular NFT platform, Opensea.

Our Metaverse will also be deployed on the Polygon network, which is currently over 300 times faster than Ethereum, and predicted to be over 2000 times faster when Polygon hits 65,000 transactions per second in the future. In addition to this, Polygon is easily bridgeable to other networks (most notably Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain) and there is a large existing development community to build knowledge from.

We thought about the high fees involved with Ethereum and wanted to ensure everyone had the opportunity to participate in buying our NFTs and entering our metaverse. We understood that despite users caring about understanding blockchain technology, much of their attention is on the rewards it can bring to them, and therefore we wanted to ensure our features are on a fast and reliable blockchain.

The combination of viewable digital qualifications, NFTs and our governance token will help in creating a trustful, empowering and rewarding environment. We believe a proof of stake blockchain, such as Polygon is the best choice for us in order to help scale our metaverse game to the non-blockchain users. It's a public blockchain, with low transaction fees that has been adopted by many successful projects.

The goal for our games is to allow anyone in the world to be able to play, learn and earn, so long as they have access to the internet. We believe the future will be more decentralised and users of a product will be rewarded based on the value they bring to such goods. This is why we focused on adopting a play to earn model within our games.

We believe Blockchain will reinvent gaming by allowing participants to store real value digital assets and trade them among other players anywhere in the world. Flying Fox will use blockchain and gaming to reinvent education through displaying qualifications on a public blockchain where everyone can view them. Our in-game economy will allow players to be in control of what they want to learn, along with profiting from such involvement.

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