Target Audience

Our research illustrated that we should split our target audience into two groups, the core audience, who are likely to be interested in the metaverse from the offset, and our “broad” audience, who have less exposure to crypto gaming but whom could be educated and brought around to the world of blockchain.

Metaverse Core Audience

  • Young adults aged 18 to 35.

  • Interested in gaming and cryptocurrency.

  • Male skewed – due to the higher percentage of men being interested in crypto games – but with a significant and growing percentage of women.

  • Medium-High tech users with existing knowledge about crypto-currency and the metaverse.

  • Found on platforms: Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Reddit, YouTube (crypto & gaming channels).

FTP Game Audience

  • Young adults aged 18 to 35.

  • Passionate about sustainability, enjoy games that involve learning.

  • Female skewed.

  • Many are casual gamers.

  • Low-Medium tech users with little existing knowledge about crypto-currency.

  • Found on platforms: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube.

NOTE: FTP Game may also appeal to a younger audience (8+) and is designed to be family friendly, but they're not our core focus.

Last updated